Our Products

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Just a few of the prod­ucts Provost Plumbings uses and recommends.

Bio-Clean Drain Cleaner

Every year peo­ple spend MILLIONS OF DOLLARS on prod­ucts that can’t solve their plumb­ing prob­lems! But what if there were a prod­uct that not only REMOVED the cause of the prob­lems, but did it in a SAFE, EFFECTIVE and ECONOMICAL MANNER!?! That prod­uct would be Bio-Clean.


What is Bio-Clean?

Bio-Clean is… a blend of bac­te­ria and enzymes. The bac­te­ria are nat­ural, not genetically-engineered. The enzyme con­cen­tra­tion is the most pow­er­ful on the market.

Bio-Clean is Safe
Bio-Clean is non-poisonous. It cre­ates no heat, no fumes, no boil­ing. It does not attack live tis­sue nor inor­ganic mate­ri­als, only organic wastes like grease, hair, food par­ti­cles, paper, cot­ton & sewage. This makes BIO-CLEAN safe for peo­ple, plumb­ing and the envi­ron­ment. BIO-CLEAN changes the waste par­ti­cles into water, car­bon diox­ide and min­eral ash which run harm­lessly out of your waste sys­tem. These ele­ments are then avail­able for plant life.

Within an hour after pour­ing the bac­te­ria into the drain, the bac­te­ria begin to eat their way into the waste that has accu­mu­lated on the sides and top of the drain pipe. This is their nat­ural food. They digest the waste and spread through­out your sys­tem, clean­ing it completely.

Visit Bio-Clean for more information

Carbon Monoxide Monitor

The CO-Experts low-level mon­i­tor pro­vides pro­tec­tion for all age groups and con­di­tions, espe­cially infants, chil­dren, the elderly and highly sen­si­tive or ill peo­ple. Other Monitors Barely Provide Minimal Protection for Healthy Adults.


Why do I need a low-level carbon monoxide monitor?

The CO-Experts low-level mon­i­tor senses Carbon Monoxide lev­els as low as 5ppm (parts per mil­lion). Store bought “detec­tors” don not alarm until unsafe lev­els of 70ppm have been reached. By then it can be too late since Carbon Monoxide lev­els above 10ppm can cause ill­ness and per­ma­nent disabilities.

Let’s you know there’s a prob­lem before reach­ing dan­ger­ous, even deadly car­bon monox­ide lev­els — long before other detec­tors begin to work.

Uses the same elec­tro­chem­i­cal sen­sor tech­nol­ogy found in pro­fes­sional car­bon monox­ide ana­lyz­ers. These mon­i­tors are cal­i­brated using car­bon monox­ide not elec­tronic guesswork!


  • Digital dis­play shows CO level at 5 ppm or higher
  • Alarm @ 10 ppm — audi­ble & visual every 60 seconds
  • Alarm @ 25 ppm — audi­ble & visual every 10 seconds
  • Full alarm at 50+ ppm — audi­ble & visual every 6 sec­onds (tim­ing varies with level)
  • Short-term silence button
  • Displays: peak CO, hours and min­utes since peak occurred
  • Shows dura­tion of expo­sure in hours and minutes
  • Calculates approx­i­mate CO blood levels
  • Replaceable 9V bat­tery protection
  • Uses the same elec­tro­chem­i­cal sen­sor tech­nol­ogy found in more expen­sive pro­fes­sional CO ana­lyz­ers. They are cal­i­brated using CO, not elec­tronic guess work!

Contact us with any questions

RootX: The Root Intrusion Solution. Simple & Fast.

The patented RootX for­mu­la­tion foams on con­tact with water, fill­ing the entire pipe to reach the top where 90% of pipeline root intru­sion occurs. From start to fin­ish, a RootX appli­ca­tion takes less than 30 min­utes whether you are work­ing with main or lat­eral lines.


An Effective and Proven Treatment

The active ingre­di­ent in RootX is the aquatic her­bi­cide Dichlobenil that has been used for years to con­trol aquatic weeds. RootX con­tains sur­fac­tants, degreas­ing agents that strip away the grime on roots, allow­ing Dichlobenil to pen­e­trate the root ends. RootX is labled for use in both san­i­tary and storm pipes and is not a restricted use product.

RootX is a proven soultion
RootX pro­motes bac­te­r­ial growth that assists in the decom­po­si­tion of dead roots. For over a decade thou­sands of munic­i­pal­i­ties and Professional Drain Cleaners depend on RootX for their main­te­nance solution.

Learn more about RootX

Water & Gas Safety Valve


Don’t Lose Money!

The WAGS valve is designed to shut off the water sup­ply (plus gas sup­ply for gas-fired heaters) in the event of a water leak from a hot water heater, thus min­i­miz­ing water dam­age and pos­si­ble gas leak­age. The valve can be installed on all styles of water heaters. The valve is fully mechan­i­cal and requires no exter­nal power supply.

When a water heater tank fails, the WAGS valve:

  • Shuts off the water supply
  • Shuts off gas on gas-fired heaters
  • Round-the-clock peace of mind!
  • Prevents costly water damage
  • Alleviates related gas safety concerns
  • Minimizes incon­ve­nience

Learn more about Honeywell Leak Breaker

Intelliflow Automatic Washing Machine Shutoff Valve

A burst wash­ing machine hose can dis­charge 500 gal­lons of water in one hour! Protect your home from Water dam­age with IntelliFlow.


Intelliflow Automatic Washing Machine Shutoff Valve

Contact Us Today! (781) 326-3890


Provost Plumbing
191 Sudbury Rd Suite 34
Concord, MA 01742

Contact Us

Phone: (781) 326-3890
or 866.PRO.PLUM
Fax: (781) 329-2021
Lic. #M-16154